Regional & Global

We offer training and coaching for church planters. We also host training events for church planters in major cities around the world.

Our mission as the Center for Church Multiplication is to work collaboratively with the schools and faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary to recruit, support, train, and connect Spirit-filled church planters...

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The Center for Church Multiplication is born out of Asbury Theological Seminary’s heart to serve and equip church leaders in an increasingly multicultural, secular, and global context. The mission of the Center for Church Multiplication is to work collaboratively with the schools and faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary to recruit, support, train, and connect Spirit-filled church planters who plant healthy, multiplying, and sustainable churches in every context on earth. The Center also engages global conversations on church multiplication to share ideas and learn from others with a posture of humility, curiosity, and grace.

Read Church Planter Stories
More than ever before we need to equip leaders to navigate the challenges of the new realities we live in. Asbury Seminary is on the cutting edge of training a new generation to reimagine the future possibilities of the church. Exponential is excited to partner with Asbury to help train leaders for church multiplication for today’s world!
— Todd Wilson, Co-founder and Founding CEO of Exponential
I am genuinely excited about Asbury Seminary’s Center for Church Multiplication because of its potential to equip leaders to multiply disciples and missionally dynamic communities of faith!
— Alan Hirsch, Author The Forgotten Ways
The Center for Church Multiplication has developed an exciting opportunity for extreme learners to rethink how we might inhabit a new missional landscape.
— Mark Dunwoody, Fresh Expressions Leader, St. Alban’s Diocese, UK
I rejoice in the wonderful grace of God in this Center for Church Multiplication. Through the eyes of faith, I see thousands of men and women, both here and around the world, who will hear the gospel and will stand with us in eternity worshipping our blessed Redeemer!
— Dr. Timothy Tennent, former president of Asbury Theological Seminary

We find and engage future church planters from Asbury Seminary and beyond, embracing relationships with denominations and church planting networks to help leaders embrace their calling.

We champion church planters, both domestic and global, through financial, pastoral, and prayer support.

We provide training to equip church planters in practical ways through our degrees, institutes, resources, and learning communities.

We act as a hub for vital connections with other church planters, church multiplication networks, and sources of training, tools and research.