
The Center for Church Multiplication (CCM) engages global conversations on church multiplication to share ideas and learn from others with a posture of humility, curiosity, and grace. 

We learn from and contribute to learning communities. We provide financial support and coaching to church planters from a variety of networks and denominations. We value and prioritize our historic connection to denominations affiliated with the Wesleyan tradition. 

CCM is working closely with ICETE (the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) to explore new opportunities to integrate theological education with church multiplication. 

Collaboration in church multiplication is a high priority for us. Here are a few of our partners:

CCX is the leading centre for church multiplication in the UK. Led by the Bishop of Islington, the Rt Rev'd Ric Thorpe, we equip and resource the Church to plant, grow, and pioneer, reaching new people in new and renewed ways with the good news of Jesus Christ. Learn more.

Impact Latin America equips ordinary men and women to go into neighboring communities to share God’s peace through Jesus Christ. Learn more.

We exist to help leaders build successful ministries that scale. Asbury CCM has partnered with Catapult for the mOS cohort with 15 church planters across the USA. Learn more.

Exponential Australia is a community of activists who champion the cause of healthy church multiplication. It has been formed to see church multiplication stimulated across Australia. Our vision is to see multiplication become a primary and widely embraced measure of success in the church. Learn more.

The vision of LifePoint Ministry Kenya is to bring the love of Christ to all people by means of church planting and holistic community outreach. Learn more.

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