Alternative Financial Models for Churches | Ebook From Dr. Jay Moon

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Many churches today face financial strain; in fact, such strain has forced several churches to close this year. In addition, potential church plants have been delayed or disbanded due to a lack of finances.

Jay Moon’s Missional Vibrancy and Financial Viability provides several fresh options to provide hope to churches and church plants in financial distress. Moon offers six non-traditional financial approaches that churches can implement to promote missional impact and financial viability.

He combines kingdom innovation with entrepreneurial practice to assist church planters and pastors to impact their communities. He uses a matrix to aid churches in knowing where to start based on the church’s financial liquidity and access to relational networks. Moon references contemporary churches that currently use these approaches. Such churches have changed their financial trajectories.

Instead of limiting churches and church plants to traditional funding options, Moon shows effective, alternative models. His step-by-step instructions will help churches chart a new financial course.

The world has changed and will continue to change in the days ahead. Yet many leaders are still using old maps for a world that no longer exists. In this book, Dr. Jay Moon gives us a new GPS to navigate the realities of the new world in which we now live. Read it, but most importantly, let it guide you into the new world.

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