Am I Called to Church Planting?
I BELIEVE THAT everyone can play a part in church planting. From being the planter to partnering with a planter in prayer, I believe everyone should be involved in a church plant in some form or fashion. Perhaps you’re asking yourself the question, “How can I be involved in church planting?” or “Am I called to plant a church?” I would like to offer several words of encouragement for those who may be wrestling with answering the call to be a part of the church-planting movement. I have listed three simple ways that everyone can get involved in church planting along with reflective questions that will help you solidify your call from God.
Pray for Church Planting
Everyone can and should pray for church planting. Even if you are not called to plant a church, you can pray for the work of those engrossed in the endeavor. By doing this, you will be following the command of Jesus when He proclaimed, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matt. 9:37–38 NIV).
As we begin to support church plants, we can pray specifically for cities, communities, and countries that need church planting the most. We especially need to pray for countries with lesser-reached people groups and nations that are closed to the gospel. Are there areas in your city or community that need a church? Pray for the Lord to send someone to plant a church wherever the needs are greatest.
Pray specifically for church planters and their families. Planting a church is hard work and can be a very lonely business. Church planters often experience culture shock, spiritual warfare, and spiritual fatigue. It is hard for a church planter and his or her family to adjust to a new culture. When planting a new church, there is also a lack of fellowship and accountability, and you can pray for church planters and encourage them to fight the good fight of faith. These planters have sacrificed everything to plant a new church including finances, job security, friends, and family. They need all the prayers and encouragement they can get.
Partner with a Plant
Another way to get involved with church planting is by partnering with a church plant in your area. One of the greatest needs for church planting is gathering a team and inspiring lay involvement. You can serve on a team or offer assistance to a church plant in a number of ways. Do you have gifts of administration, music, technology, or hospitality? Use your gifts and talents by helping be a part of a church plant in your community or city.
Being a part of an existing church does not disqualify you from partnering with a plant. An existing church can collaborate with a new church plant by becoming a mother church that sends out a church planting team to help begin the new work. Christians and churches in a region or community can partner together to plant new churches in their area. You can also help financially support a church planter or plant. Furthermore, if you are working to discern if God has placed a call on your life to plant, serving in a church plant is also a wonderful way to help clarify this call. As you can see, there are many different ways that you can partner with church planting.
Plant a Church
The most involved way of joining the church- planting movement is becoming the planter yourself. Is God calling you to be a church planter? This is a hard question that only you can answer for yourself. If you feel that you may be called to church planting, or simply wondering what’s next for you, take a few minutes to answer these questions.