Mosaic United Methodist – Evans, GA
Church Plant Profile
Church Planter: Carolyn Moore
Church: Mosaic United Methodist
Location: Evans, GA
Carolyn Moore is an author, speaker, and founding pastor of Mosaic United Methodist Church. In June of 2003, she was appointed to the Augusta area, where she and her family helped give birth to Mosaic United Methodist Church, a church that focuses on reaching people in the margins. In more than ten years of weekly worship, Mosaic has seen more than 130 baptisms and hundreds of professions of faith.
Carolyn describes the vision of the church in the following way,
“Our vision at Mosaic is to make room for those in the margins as we serve together in mission. We have baptized nearly two hundred adults since the inception of our church and have seen hundreds come to faith in Christ. We have a strong commitment to healing and discipleship and are raising up new leaders for the body of Christ. Having experienced the challenges of entrepreneurial ministry, I learned early on that my calling and authority must be rooted in an ongoing personal encounter with Christ. That pursuit of personal holiness is central to our life and ministry together. As we say often in our church, if Jesus isn’t in it, we’re not interested.”
After more than ten years, Mosaic is a continuing example of a new church that is reaching broken lives with the love of Jesus. Carolyn’s unique calling and gifts are a wonderful example for other women who feel called to planting. Carolyn reflects on her journey and wants to share it with others, “Now that I have had the remarkably rewarding experience of seeing a church grow from three souls (the sum of my immediate family members) to a place of health and vitality, I have a great desire to see other women enter the journey of church planting with better mentors, training, resources and support. I want the voices they hear to be voices of encouragement and confidence so the Kingdom can come to earth as it is in heaven.”2 For more information about Carolyn and Mosaic, visit