Top Ten Things Satan Wants You To Believe About New Church Starts
- Your fellow ministers will totally support what you’re doing.
- You have the best church vision anyone has ever invented, and folks will flock to you because of it.
- A goatee, faded jeans, and a t-shirt are all you need to be successful (and maybe a drivin’ bass player).
- If you have energetic preaching and good music, people will flock to your church.
- God’s blessing comes in the form of numerical stats (he might also want you to believe that numbers don’t matter at all).
- If you (as a pastor) work 50% harder, God will bless you 50% more.
- If you (as a member of the community) get involved in a new church, your life will improve overnight.
- Your worth rests in how much better (or worse) you are doing than others in your network/ community/ conference.
9. Never mind how happy the folks around you are, you are doing a terrible job.
10. Your new church will either be the best in the history of all church plants everywhere, or the worst failure. There is no in-between.
And the one thing the enemy wants you to believe above all else: He is not a threat.